
Gender Inclusivity in Languages

The general argument by conservative people are that there is no grammatical or scientific basis to referring to more than two genders.

However, this is a terrible argument for judging people, because we formed languages and scientific models to help us understand the world around us. If they are not doing a good job at that, then we must improve our languages and models.

If you point at a non-binary person and ask them what they are to a conservative person, they will likely say that "he is a male" or "she is a female". But I can point at their physical or mental differences and ask them how can that be explained. They will then likely say that it is a flaw which has to be medically cured. But I must then ask, on what basis should one person's natural form be decided as faulty and has to be prescribed a cure?

It is only under the conservative faith that one can justify such a judgement. Because the lord has created Adam and Eve as the two distinct genders, just like any other genders.

About non-binary adoptions

It is not scientific that a child can only be raised properly with the care of a completely feminine mother and a completely masculine father. The so called results are only statistic, and they are only statistic because the majority of people are either dominantly feminine or dominantly masculine. Also, statistic models are not scientific models, they are only useful as guiding information for us to understand general trends. Even scientific models themselves aren't absolute truths, they are only the best known representations we have regarding something.

For example, Newton's theory of gravitation was improved upon by Einstein, but the theory is still our closest observation, and not the definitive truth. A person could come up with something else, for example, the theory of Quantum Mechanics has several different interpretations such as the Pilot Wave Theory, Copenhagen Interpretation, and so on. One being different from the other doesn't make it any wrong. There are also several colour models to represent the colour space, such as RGB, HSL, HSV, HSB, and so on. But we have not always figured out either a perfect colour model that can encompass the entire colour gamut or even a perceptually uniform colour space that could help with creating such a model. Yet, we have a reasonably accurate colour displays, but that doesn't mean we have stopped trying to improve display technologies to be capable of reproducing all colours. As of now, some colours can not be represented in displays, and we cannot say that we have a colour system that is perfect.

Also, we cannot always follow general trends to make absolute decisions, in the same manner that we cannot say in a dorm full of people equally distributed from ages 7-80 that there will only be standard sized cricket bats and say that it allows everyone to play sports, because the trends say that most people in that community can play with those bats. But it's not inclusive because children of ages 7-13 may find the bat too large for them. We cannot then say that they should instead wait to grow up, because it would've been really simple to just give them mini cricket bats so the kids can have fun too.

Coming back to the first paragraph concerning those studies, it could be possible that some studies show that people who lack proper traditional parenting are more likely to commit crimes than people who are well parented. But that could have it's reasons, such as those people being treated differently by the rest of the society in which they lived in because of the lack of one or both parents, or for having non-binary parents. This is more a problem of cultural oppression which originated due to lack of humanity, which in turn originated due to most people viewing the world and judging it entirely through the conservative lens. Also, this is not a completely true statement, because having proper traditional parenting hasn't always led to reduction of crimes, as well as there are surely properly functioning citizens who were not traditionally parented.

This should indicate that through a better understanding, we can give everyone a chance to live their lives like normal human beings, regardless of the differences they've been given by nature, instead of forcing invalidating their natural feelings. Just because some people were born without legs doesn't mean that we haven't tried to give them artificial legs so that they can have fun too with paralympic sports.

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